Both coaching and facilitation are clearly developmental in nature so this section is really all about building capability in what I call “non-intact” teams – groups that come together purely for the benefit of a training programme or workshop.
I am currently running a number of FREE events for HR Directors. These are being delivered in association with Waddington Brown - a great specialist HR recruitment company with whom I have worked for a number of years. We have packed events in Ipswich, Norwich, Lowestoft, Kelvedon and Bury St Edmunds with great feedback from participants - "Better than most paid training events". If you are interested in either hosting an event at your offices, or coming along, get in touch.
There are also a series of one day programmes on the topics of Resilience (which I also call "bouncability") and Dialogue. I have put together a brief outline of these sessions below but if you really want to know more, click the links to read up and book up before they fill up!
I will of course be very pleased to chat to you about a wider set of programmes that can be tailored to suit your needs and the brochures attached here will give you a broader feel for the areas in which I train.
- Fundamentals of Leadership and Organisational Effectiveness
- Managing in Uncertain and Ambiguous Times
- How to be Emotionally Intelligent
- Thriving in Tough Times
- Recovering from Motherhood
- Individual Diversity and Team Dynamics
- Influencing and Networking
- NeuroLinguistic Programming
- Coaching for Managers
- Leadership for Performance
Fundamentals of Leadership and Organisational Effectiveness
For those who are new to leadership or managers who have been ad-libbing long enough and want to establish some firmer foundations, this session brings together a connected theory of individual motivation, leadership behaviour and impact and team and organisational culture into a compelling narrative.
A chance to share learning and resources as well as to develop a considered rather than reactive leadership approach to building organisation effectiveness the session is enhanced with diagnostic tools to assess your current leadership behaviours and impact - get in touch.
Managing in Uncertain and Ambiguous Times
Designed to kick start stalled thinking and re-establish ownership of action when faced with unclear and potentially threatening environments and outcomes, this session is a hard-edged yet empathetic exploration of the role of beliefs in behaviour and expectation.
Ideal for managers faced with strategic uncertainty, changing customer contexts and challenging organisational change, the session explores principles of chaos and complexity theories along with Cognitive Behavioural approaches to ‘un-stick’ thinking and re-engage action. If you want to know more, get in touch.
Individual Diversity & Team Dynamics
Using a combination of group discussion and exploration and a combination of personal style inventories, this workshop can be delivered to groups of 10-15 people in order to develop greater understanding and appreciation of the impact of individual differences on co-working and customer interactions. A highly interactive workshop, participants will receive individual feedback on their personality style and can also contract for one to one coaching to develop their behavioural flexibility. If you want to know more, get in touch
Influencing and Networking
Whether your primary role or simply a means to get things done, there are few people who can get along without some fundamental networking and influencing skills. This 1 or 2 day workshop (depending on your needs) focuses on building an understanding of what holds you back in this area and suggests a suite of activities you can add to your repertoire in order to increase your sphere of influence. If you want to know more, get in touch
NeuroLinguistic Programming
What is NLP all about? If you or your people are curious and want to learn more, as a Master Practitioner in NLP I can put together a session for your conference, away day or training programme that helps people not only to explore the concept, but to experiment and have fun with some of the exercises I have learned and used over the years. Feedback from Wiltshire County Council was hugely positive about their taster session. If you want to know more, get in touch
Building Great Dialogues
How much time do you spend talking to other people at work? What proportion of your organisational success relies upon that communication process? How much of that communication is monologic and how much is truly dialogic?
This session introduces participants to the nature of great human communication and the essential conditions needed to create generative conversation, productive discussion and collaborative problem solving. Based on the principles of Open Space Technology and Dialogic Communication, you will come away with a new appreciation of the way in which we talk to colleagues, clients and customers and a set of tools and exercises to help you to build better dialogues in your own context. If you want to know more, get in touch
How to be Emotionally Intelligent
I have been working in the field of Emotional Intelligence for over 8 years and provided literally hundreds of feedback sessions with managers using the Emotional Competence Inventory. The words “Emotional Intelligence” have been around long enough for most people to have built up some idea about what it means (the graphic will remind anyone who has forgotten).
This session gets back to basics and brings Daniel Goleman’s original concepts into perspective alongside newer approaches – challenging participants to truly engage with what it means to be self aware, self managing, socially aware and relationship focused in the workplace. If you want to know more, get in touch
Coaching for Managers
This workshop will help managers at all levels to understand how using coaching behaviours effectively as a part of their leadership behaviour can reap huge rewards in getting the best out of their teams. Using one to one feedback gathered from reports, theoretical background and coaching exercises including live feedback from an experienced coach, this proven workshop will challenge many an established leader to rethink their management styles. If you want to know more, get in touch
Thriving in Tough Times
There is a difference between surviving and thriving and this session aims to take participants from ‘victim’ mode where they are powerless or at the very least compromised, to fully engaged and connected to their choices. Using techniques from CBT, Mindfulness and Neuro-linguistic Programming backgrounds, participants will be acknowledged and accepted…and then challenged and expected to re-establish ownership of both their emotional and psychological health within the organisation. If you want to know more, get in touch
Leadership for Performance
Based on the principles of leadership that truly gets results, this workshop draws from extensive research into leadership effectiveness, digging deep into the motivation and value sets of individual leaders to explore what in their behaviour unlocks potential in others. This workshop can be tailored to explore and develop the specific leadership behaviours that drive results in your own organisation. If you want to know more, get in touch
Recovering from Motherhood
There is a huge amount of support for expectant mothers in our society – but post-natal support is either community based or delivered through GPs. Professional mothers face a huge shift in their role, their self image and their sense of capability when plunged into motherhood and whilst hugely rewarding in some ways, it is far away from the performance based world of work.
This session is aimed at working mothers who have gone from professional competence to the emotional and physical chaos of motherhood and are now wanting to find a way to balance their careers once more. Using belief focused techniques, NLP and CBT approaches, it is ideal for post maternity employees and self employed mothers